Hey peoples! Sorry didn't update my blog for the past few weeks. Honestly, i'm just too lazy to blog. Furthermore, i have NO material to blog about, at all! Problems have been flooding around with me recently. Trying to figure out the solutions, but seems like these problems just love to stick around with me. Gosshh, i really don't know what to do now! :(
Is it against the law for me to talk to my friends? I didn't meant that i want to flirt around, just that i want you to understand some things. I care for you and it's obvious i love you. But you wouldn't take the chance when you had it, to understand me, to know exactly what i want, what i need.
I really have no idea what you really want from me. You can say i don't understand you, but i've already try the best to take the chance and appreciatte it. But there are things you should know. These things are the fact, and you can't ignore the fact which is already right in front of your eyes! How and what can i say to make you understand? To make you realize things that is what they call LIFE.
I really feel like bringing up the topic, but i dun wanna make you more pissed nor hurt, so i chose to pretend i don't know anything, where as i'm hurting myself this way. If you realize, NOBODY'S PERFECT. I admit i'm NEVER perfect, but i'm trying my best to be your PERFECT kind. To suit with you.. but you never know how hard it is, what i'm going through. I need friends.. if it wasn't for them, i wouldn't have been until here. I'm born like this.
I still remember the time you told me "i love you just the way you are", so did you just say that for fun? Just to make me believe that what you say was true? But now, it proves this sentence wrong. You never love me the way i am. You always want me to change for you, and yes, i'm willing to change, just for YOU. I chose to do so, is because of one simple reason. It's because I LOVE YOU. I never want to lose you.. but, you know that we cannot go on like this. It's not good for both of us. It will only keep hurting us both.
I'm trying really hard to reach for the star that shines the most, because i know that's YOU.
I know stuffs you thought i wouldn't know.. but i still tell myself to forgive you, because i still want you in my life. D:
Even when i'm with other boys, you're the one i think of when i'm talking with them. You gave me somekind of a feeling that other boys CANNOT give me. I hope you'll understand, though some you think that are better than you.. but you can NEVER compare with the other boys, because you're always gonna be NUMBER ONE, no matter what!
Fyi, some of you may think this is a lame post, but i just wanna spill my feelings out, and yea, i've already did. Hope we'll turn out to be ok. Hope this time we can settle problems, maturedly. *finger -cross* :D
You're the ONLY one. Nobody can compare with YOU.